2020年3月4日 星期三

108-2(3, 5-7) 3D電腦繪圖 3D Computer Graphics


課程計畫與大綱 Teaching Plan and Introduction

上課時間:星期三 (5-7)

教師:梁又文 (Yo-Wen Liang)

108-2(3, 5-7) 3D電腦繪圖 3D Computer Graphics
課程專區 (軟體,教學,Product design,自學)

6/3 (3) 下午13:00 為期末發表,規格請小老師公告,
期末發表PPT檔案上傳 (Click)

3/4 下午已更新,請同學可以入內下載講義;
4/15 期中發表內容 已更新

課程資料下載專區 (Click)

佈點佈線-01 心型

佈點佈線-02 帽型

2D曲線轉3D (Extrude and Bevel)

Modeling tutorial | Use lathe modifier to construct a table lamp

Modeling tutorial | Loft + Lathe modifier to construct a pot

Modeling tutorial | Editable Poly to construct a watch model-1

Modeling tutorial | Editable Poly to construct a watch model-2

Modeling tutorial | Character model-1

Modeling tutorial | Character model-2

Modeling tutorial | Character model-3

Modeling tutorial | Character model-4

Modeling tutorial | Character model-5

HW01_BasicPractice (Click)
HW02_SplinePractice (Click)
HW03_Lathe&Loft_practice (Click)
HW04_Extrud&Bevel (Click)
HW05_Lathe&Loft (Click)
HW06_Boolean & Shell (Click)

4/15 期中報告 上傳區 (Click) 13:00開始
(請開個資料夾,命名方式為: 組員學號_姓名)

HW07_Basic+Opacity (Click)
HW08_Multi-Sub Object Material Practice (Click)
HW09_UnwrapUVW_Dice (Click)

