2024年9月17日 星期二

北科大 Yo-Wen Liang (Liang, Y.W.) 梁又文 Curriculum Vitae | Resume, Experience | 虛擬實境 VR、 使用者經驗 UX、人機互動 HCI

Curriculum Vitae | Professor Yo-Wen Liang (Prof. Liang, Y.W.)
(updated continuously, 2020/7/31)

Yo-Wen Liang (Liang, Y.W.) / 梁又文

Principal Investigator, Innovative Products and Mixed Reality Design Lab
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, National Taipei University of Technology

-Scholar Oversea Study (by Government funding), University of Auckland, New Zealand.
-Scholar Oversea Study (by Government funding), Monash University, Australia.
-Scholar Oversea Study (by Government funding), Western Sydney University, Australia.
-PhD, Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.
(The best Department of industry Design in Taiwan;  Top 50 in the Global Department of Industrial Design)

Mixed Reality and Interaction Design (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality), User Experience and User Interface Design, Innovative Product Design, Cultural and Creative Product Design, 2D and 3D Animation.


A. Publication and Works (Click)

Refereed Paper

  1. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2019). A study on the importance ranking of mixed reality needed functions on engineering education and training. (submitted) (SSCI)
  2. Lee, Huang-Ning, An-Sheng, Liang, Yo-Wen* (2019). An Empirical Analysis of Brand as Symbol, Perceived Transaction Value, Perceived Acquisition Value and Customer Loyalty Using Structural Equation Modeling. Sustainability, 11(7), 2116-2127. (SSCI/SCIE) (IF: 2.592, Q1 37/370)
  3. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, Liang, Kuei-Chia, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2018). A Study on the Effect of Students' Imagination by Utilizing the Creative Methods in Industrial Design Course. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(10), 1606 (1-12). (SSCI) (IF: 0.903, Q3 147/235)
  4. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, Liang, Kuei-Chia, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2018). The Influence of Gender, Learning Background, Participation, and Topic Limitation on the Imagination of Industrial Design Students in Taiwan. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(3), 1011-1022. (SSCI) (IF: 0.903, Q3 147/235)
  5. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, and Liu, Shuo-Fang (2016). Optimal Parameters of Motorcycle Instrument Panels Design for the Elderly by Using Fuzzy Logic. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 54, 106-118. (SCI) (IF: 1.570, Q2 24/51)
  6. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, and Liu, Shuo-Fang (2016). A Study on Design-oriented Demands of VR via ZMET-QFD Model for Industrial Design Education and Students’ Learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(5), 1205-1219. (SSCI) (IF: 1.016, Q2 76/224)
  7. Liu, Shuo-Fang, Lee, An-Sheng, Liang, Yo-Wen, and Lin, Jenn-Yang. (2013). A study on the influence of the designs and configurations of the displays on a motorcycle instrument panel on cognitive effects in Taiwan. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 33(6), 685-700. (EI: INSPEC / ABI)
  8. Liu, Shuo-Fang, Lee, An-Sheng, Lin, Jenn-Yang, Liang, Yo-Wen, and Su, Wen-Ching (2010). A study of the Differences in Image Memory and Preference between Male and Female Visual Cognition. International Journal of Organization Innovation, 3(2), 114-128. (EI: INSPEC)
  9. Liu, Shuo-Fang, Wang, Wen-Cheng, and Liang, Yo-Wen (2008). Lifestyle Research on Visitors of Ju Ming Museum. The Business Review, Cambridge, 11(2), 305-309. (ABI)
  10. 楊欣宜、梁又文* (2021)。設計思考對於護理系學生跨領域課程及產品設計分析。工業設計,143,68-73。(TCI-HSS) (in Chinese)
  11. 巫宜芸、曾唯琳、楊朝明、梁又文* (2020)。具健身與運動習慣者之使用者體驗研究。工業設計,142,64-68。(TCI-HSS) (in Chinese)
  12. 蘇倚萱、劉玟杏、江潤華、許定洋、梁又文* (2019)。單身獨居女性對於綠色生活產品之使用者經驗設計研究。工業設計,139,66-71。(TCI-HSS) (in Chinese)
  13. 梁桂嘉、梁又文、林季樺* (2017)。台灣工業設計系學生於產品設計課程想像力表現觀察。工業設計,135,39-44。(TCI-HSS) (in Chinese)
  14. 劉說芳、梁又文* (2010)。第一人稱RP虛擬實境看屋行銷系統與現有系統之滿意度差異性研究。嶺東設計學報,1,1-12。(in Chinese)
  15. 梁又文*、劉說芳、周賢彬 (2010)。隱喻導引用於探索設計者對於虛擬實境之需求。華梵藝術與設計學報,6,165-179。(in Chinese)
  16. 梁又文*、梁桂嘉 (2010)。東西方新媒體藝術之個案研究-以AEC25年展與YCAM2006展為例。耕莘學報,8,94-107。(in Chinese)
  17. 梁又文*、梁桂嘉 (2009)。友善女性之大眾運輸場域移動輔助系統探究。設計研究學報,3,71-87。(in Chinese)
  18. 梁桂嘉、梁又文* (2009)。3D太極教學對於使用者學習影響之研究。工業設計,37(1),16-21。(TCI-HSS) (in Chinese)
  19. 梁又文、伊彬、汪文政* (2008)。數位插畫表現風格對於當代流行櫥窗、看板平面廣告之影響-以101購物中心為例。耕莘學報,6,105-114。(in Chinese)

Conference Paper

  1. Liang, Yo-Wen* & Huang, Yu-Hsuan (2021.11). A study on innovative design concepts of sensory experience products developed by bulrush weaving. Proceedings of 2021 Technology and Education International Conference. ()
  2. Chung, Allan & Liang, Yo-Wen (2021.11). An Inspection of the Challenge for Developing Class II Medical Device in Taiwan via the Framework of Double Diamond. Proceedings of 2021 Technology and Education International Conference. ()
  3. Chung, Allan & *Liang, Yo-Wen (2021.9). A pilot study on human-centered of health app potential needs for binge eating graduate females. Proceedings of 2021 international conference on innovation and design. MD 15 (1-4).
  4. Huang, Yu-Hsuan & *Liang, Yo-Wen (2021.9). A study on innovative product design of Tetrapanax Papyriferus material application for regional revitalization. Proceedings of 2021 international conference on innovation and design. MD 45 (1-6).
  5. Liang, Yo-Wen  & Wang, J. (2020.11). A Study on Exploring the Demands of Self-media Experience Exchange and Inheritance for the Elderly. 2020 International Conference on Medical Design (MD2020) Proceedings. Taoyuan. No.27.
  6. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2020.03). Exploring the functions and design features of mixed reality application on engineering education and training. 2nd Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2020 (IEEE Xplore®) proceedings. Osaka. EC200115 (1-4).
  7. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2019.01). Exploring the importance ranking of mixed reality needed functions on engineering education and training. 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (IEEE Xplore®) proceedings. Singapore. M190132 (1-4).
  8. Liang, Yo-Wen and Lee, An-Sheng (2018.11). Exploring the demands of mixed reality application on engineering education and training. 2018 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (IEEE Xplore®) proceedings. T180103 (1-2).
  9. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, Liang, Kuei-Chia, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2017.11). Exploring the Effect of Innovative Imagination-stimulating Methods on Students’ Imagination in Industrial Design Courses. 2017 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (IEEE Xplore®) proceedings. Kunming, Yunnan: C170039-I, 1-4.
  10. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng, Liang, Kuei-Chia, and Lee, Huang-Ning (2017.11). The Influence of Gender, Learning Background, Participation, and Topic Limitation on the Students' Imagination of the Industrial Design in Taiwan. 2017 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (IEEE Xplore®) proceedings. Kunming, Yunnan: C170038-H, 1-4.
  11. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng*, and Liu, Shuo-Fang (2015.5). Exploring the Design-oriented Demands of VR via ZMET-QFD Model for Industrial Design Education and Students’ Learning. 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation Proceedings. Osaka, Japan: No.987
  12. Liang, Yo-Wen, Lee, An-Sheng*, and Liu, Shuo-Fang (2015.5). Object Optimal Parameters by Using Fuzzy Logic on Motorcycle Instrument Panel Design for the Elderly in Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation Proceedings. Osaka, Japan No.986.
  13. Liu, Shuo-Fang, Lee, An-Sheng*, Lin, Jenn-Yang, Liang, Yo-Wen, and Su, Wen-Ching. (2010.8). A study on the Differences in Image Memory and Preference between Male and Female Visual Cognition. 2010 International Conference of Organizational Innovation Proceedings. Bangkok, Thailand: 1669-1682.
  14. Liang, Yo-Wen*, Liang, Robert, and Liu, Shuo-Fang (2010.5). Female friendly- Design and Plan of Assistance for Subjects Using the Public Transportation System across the Space. In Robert Liang (Chair), 2010 International Conference of Design Creation and Practice Proceedings. Taipei, Taiwan: 353-363.
  15. Chen, A. et al (Liang, Yo-Wen) (2009.4). Cherish the Great Earth. 2009 Technarte- International Conference on Art and Technology. Bilbao, Spain.
  16. Chen, A. et al (Liang, Yo-Wen) (2008.4). Wiiing with Tai Chi. 2008 Technarte- International Conference on Art and Technology. Bilbao, Spain.
  17. 陳洳萱、顏慧瑄、梁又文* (2020.12)。紫微斗數算命之使用者經驗研究。2020明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。(in Chinese)
  18. 洪郁婷、陳宇琪、梁又文* (2020.12)。全家便利商店會員之使用者經驗初探研究。2020明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。(in Chinese)
  19. 王琤、梁又文*、蔡雅婷(2019.11)。台灣醫療保健網站類自媒體內容與高齡者需求研究。2019 明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。D05 (1-4)。(in Chinese)
  20. 巫宜芸、曾唯琳、楊朝明、梁又文*(2019.11)。具健身與運動習慣者之使用者體驗研究。2019 明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。E21 (1-6)。(in Chinese)
  21. 蔡旻蓁、黃馨儀、梁又文*(2019.11)。玩具收藏家與App服務之使用者經驗研究。2019 明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。E17 (1-4)。(in Chinese)
  22. 蔡雅婷、向懿亭、楊朝明、梁又文*(2019.10)。餐飲多元服務點餐APP使用者經驗與設計研究。2019創新設計國際研討會論文集。CM8_2 (1-8)。(in Chinese)
  23. 吳瑋翔、鄭瀚、李東樺、梁又文* (2018.12)。使用設計思考流程進行使用者經驗之研究。2018 明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。E09 (1-6)。(in Chinese)
  24. 向懿亭、蔡雅婷、楊朝明、梁又文* (2018.12)。速食店排隊點餐過程與App服務之使用者經驗研究。2018 明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。E07 (1-6)。(in Chinese)
  25. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、林聖芬、母丹丹 (2017.11)。設計課程專題陳述方式與設計想像力影響之研究。2017 世界華人工業設計論壇暨明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學: H4 (1-6)。(in Chinese)
  26. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、曾鼎鈞 (2016.6)。居家餐廚空間之創新綠能照明設計研究。2016年視覺設計與美學管理學術研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學: No.2。(in Chinese)
  27. 梁桂嘉、梁又文* (2014.2)。探討臺灣中小型設計公司聯盟之議題。2014年中華設計創作學會研討會論文集。台北,國立臺灣師範大學:11-20。(in Chinese)
  28. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、翁鈺涵 (2013.6)。台灣中小型異設計領域公司之設計流程研究。2013視覺設計與美學管理研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學:422-428。(in Chinese)
  29. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、陳芮平 (2013.6)。初探設計跨領域策略結盟之研究。2013視覺設計與美學管理研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學:341-348。(in Chinese)
  30. 梁又文* (2012.12)。財神廟公仔設計- 財神、財神土地公、與財神彌勒佛。2012創意與創新設計學術研討會。新竹,玄奘大學:52-53。(in Chinese)
  31. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、吳若宜 (2012.11)。Triz法運用於居家餐廚空間創新綠能照明之發想研究。2012明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學:B07(1-6)。(in Chinese)
  32. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、陳芮平 (2012.11)。運用STEP因素分析探討居家廚房空間綠能照明產品之機會落差。2012明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學:B08(1-6)。(in Chinese)
  33. 梁又文*、Alfred C.、劉說芳、梁凱傑 (2011.10)。3D太極多模式互動設計之需求項目分析研究。藝創設計101學術研討會論文集。新竹,玄奘大學:131-139。(in Chinese)
  34. 梁又文*、劉說芳、陳莞鈞 (2011.5)。女性對於高跟鞋之造型美學偏好研究-以2010 Christian Louboutin為例。論述與思想-2011藝術學研討會論文集:。高雄,國立高雄師範大學:1-15。(in Chinese)
  35. Alfred C.、劉說芳、梁又文*、潘奕丞 (2011.4)。從既有參與者與活動形式探討數位3D太極運動開發之需求。2011第五屆服務創新研討會論文集。台北,明新科技大學:292-303。(in Chinese)
  36. 劉說芳、高孟君、梁又文*、陳莞鈞、盧彥年 (2010.12)。探討方便拔出與省電的插頭與插座之創新設計研究。2010第一屆設計創新暨應用學術研討會論文集。台南,台南科技大學:213-219。(in Chinese)
  37. Alfred C.、劉說芳、梁又文* (2010.12)。應用於三維數位太極互動設計之技術分析研究。2011數位文化與藝術、設計學術研討會論文集。新竹,玄奘大學:No.16(1-10)。(in Chinese)
  38. 劉說芳、陳莞鈞、梁又文*、高孟君、盧彥年 (2010.12)。運用SET要素探討插座與插頭之創新研究。2011數位文化與藝術、設計學術研討會論文集。新竹,玄奘大學:No.4(1-8)。(in Chinese)
  39. 劉説芳、Alfred Chen、梁又文* (2010.3)。三維數位太極結合多模式體感互動之研究。2010年第十三屆電子商務研討會論文集。台北,國立台北護理學院:A98(1-8)。(in Chinese)
  40. 梁桂嘉、梁又文* (2008.12)。3D太極教學對於使用者學習影響之研究。2008明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集。台北,明志科技大學:341-346。(in Chinese)
  41. 梁桂嘉、梁又文*、汪文政 (2008.10)。3D太極數位學習平台建構之探究。2008電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會論文集。新竹,國立新竹教育大學:CD-ROM Format No.159。(in Chinese)

B. Research Projects
(The total funding of research projects that have participated in is about 30,000,000 NTD)

Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Projects

  1. 2021-2022
    A study on Digital Application of mixed reality interactive design in Factory Equipment Training in the Department of Industrial (II) (MOST 109-2221-E-027-123-MY2)
    (Multi-year project, Project funding is about 1,700,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  2. 2020-2021
    A study on Digital Application of mixed reality interactive design in Factory Equipment Training in the Department of Industrial (I) (MOST 109-2221-E-027-123-MY2)
    (Multi-year project, Project funding is about 1,700,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  3. 2019-2020
    Application of Mixed Reality Interaction Design in Engineering Education Training (II) (MOST 107-2218-E-131-006-MY2)
    (Multi-year project, Project funding is about 1,200,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  4. 2018-2019
    Application of Mixed Reality Interaction Design in Engineering Education Training (I)
    (MOST 107-2218-E-131-006-MY2)
    (Multi-year project, Project funding is about 1,200,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator

University-Industry Cooperation Projects

  1. 2020-2021
    Cultural and Creative Products Prototype Design on Imagery of Tetrapanax Papyrifer (210A131) / (Project funding) / Principal Investigator
  2. 2019-2020
    A Study on Concept Design of Innovative Recycling Station (O01-108-M076)
    (Project funding) / Principal Investigator (Click)
  3. 2018-2019 
    EZ-HRV App User-Experience design (I) (O01-107-M068)
    (Project funding) / Principal Investigator  (Click)

Ministry of Education and School Projects

  1. 2021.08-2022.07
    110 School Year NTUT Flexible Salary for Special Outstanding Research Award Funding
  2. 2021.02-2021.06 
    109 School Year MTUT Research Award Funding
    (Project funding is about 200,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  3. 2020.08-2021.01  
    109 School Year MCUT Research Project Award Grant Fund 
    (Project funding is about 220,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  4. 2020.08-2021.01
    Ministry of Education,  A Study on Developing Multiple Perception Product Design by Rush Grass Weaving Technique (Project funding is about 100,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator (Click)
  5. 2019.08-2020.07 
    108 School Year MCUT Research Project Award Grant Fund
    (Project funding is about 140,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  6. 2019.08-2020.07
    Ministry of Education,  Practice Course Development Practice Energizing Project - Overseas Deep Practice Study: Australia - New Zealand (Project funding is about 6,000,000 NTD) / Co-principal InvestigatorProject Writer / Australia and New Zealand University Contact person / Activities Planning
  7. 2019.08-2021.02  
    Chang-Gung Medical Research Project (CMRP) - Sub-project 3: Self-media output and sharing platform for the elderly community (I)~(II) (Multi-year project, Sub-project 3 funding is about 3,000,000 NTD) / Co-principal InvestigatorProject Writer
  8. 2018.08-2019.07
    107 School Year MCUT Research Project Award Grant Fund (Project funding is about 144,000 NTD) / Principal Investigator
  9. 2018.08-2018.12 
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice Project: Digital Forming Technology Production, Taiwanese Cattle Mascot Design / Project Advisor (Click)
  10. 2018.08-2019.07
    Ministry of Education,  Practice Course Development Practice Energizing Project - Overseas Deep Practice Study: Australia - New Zealand (Project funding is about 6,600,000 NTD) / Co-principal InvestigatorProject Writer / Australia and New Zealand University Contact person / Activities Planning
  11. 2017.12-2018.11
    MCUT Micro-film Competition Activity Planning (Project funding is about 100,000 NTD) / Activities Planning

Other Projects Participating

  1. 2014-2016 
    Industrial Design Experience Imaginative Curriculum Development and Evaluation Research (II~III) (NSC 102-2511-S-003-063-MY3) (Multi-year project, Project funding is about 2,100,000 NTD) / Research Assistant
  2. 2012-2013 
    Research on Service Competition Model of Taiwan Design Industry (I) (NSC 101-2221-E-003-008) (Project funding is about 800,000 NTD) / Research Assistant
  3. 2011-2012
    Research on Innovation Design of Kitchen Space Lighting (NSC 100-2622-E-003-002-CC3) (Project funding is about 850,000 NTD) / Research Assistant
  4. 2010-2011
    3D Taiji Multi-Mode Interactive Interface Design Research (I) (NSC 99-2221-E-168-043) (Project funding is about 700,000 NTD) / Research Assistant
  5. 2009-2010
    Motherboard Smart Lightweight Mobile Vehicle Forward-looking Technology - Sub-project 5:  vehicle creative concept design (II) (NSC 98-2218-E-008-010) (Multi-year project, Project total funding is about 30,000,000 NTD, Sub-project 3 funding is about 4,000,000 NTD) / Research Assistant
  6. 2008-2009
    The drum art legendary happiness drum art community building - National Taiwan Institute of Technology Polygonal Community Crafts Support Project (Project funding is about 800,000 NTD) / Cultural and Creative Product Designer

C. Honor and Awards


  1. 2009-2010 
    The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China / Honorary Membership
  2. 2009-2010 
    Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University / Outstanding scholarship
  3. 2008-2009 
    Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University / Outstanding scholarship


  1. 2019-2020
    The 4th self-media Golden Point Award / (偉恩史達克) Finance and Life Recommended Award (District of Asia, the award rate is only 10/4500000)
  2. 2018-2019 
    The 3th self-media Golden Point Award / (偉恩史達克) Finance and Life Recommended Award (District of Asia, the award rate is only 10/4500000)
  3. 2015-2016 
    The 2th self-media Golden Point Award / (偉恩史達克) Finance and Life Recommended Award (District of Asia, the award rate is only 10/4500000)
  4. 2014-2015 
    Taiwan keyword search ranking popular media sites / Top 10 Financial Life and Industry Websites
  5. 2009-2010 
    ITRI Taiwan's Technology in 2020 Application Creative Design Competition / Excellent Work
  6. 2009-2010 
    The 4th Warring States Policy Campus Entrepreneurship Competition / Excellent Work
  7. 2008-2009 
    The 4th NCKU Creative and Interaction Application Competition / Excellent Work
  8. 2008-2009 
    The 3rd Longteng Smile Competition / Excellent Work
  9. 2008-2009 
    Chunghwa Telecom Value-added Competition (Information Application Group) / Excellent Work


  1. 2015-2016 
    調味罐,新式樣專利,中華民國,D166066。蔣謹安 (TW); 阮濰超 (TW); 梁又文 (TW); 詹孝中 (TW)。
  2. 2015-2016 
    手持照明,新式樣專利,中華民國,D167342。蔡孜群 (TW); 阮濰超 (TW); 梁又文 (TW); 詹孝中 (TW)。

International Exhibition

  1. 2013-2014 
    CDC Designers Works 2014 Annual Invitation / Tainan Ten Drum Cultural Product Design
  2. 2011-2012 
    CDC Designers Works 2012 Annual Invitation / Wealth God figurines Design
  3. 2006-2007 
    The 9th Japan National Culture Festival International Exchange Art Design Exhibition (Yamaguchi University) / Tainan Mascot Design

D. Services and Activities

Guiding Competitions

  1. 2022-2022
    2022 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | 2 Selected (in the competition)
  2. 2022-2022
    2022 Great Design Competition - IronKids  |  1 Selection Award (in progress)
  3. 2021-2022
    Corning Future Innovator - Innovative Application Competition  |  1 Award & 1 Popularity Award
  4. 2021-2022
    7th Huacanjiang Emerging Design Competition / 2 Honorable Mention
  5. 2020-2021
    National Plastic Innovation Product Design Competition / 1 Gold Award
  6. 2020-2021
    Asia-Link International Design Workshop - Innovation Design of Street Vendor  |  1 Gold Award
  7. 2019-2020
    Tetrapanax Papyrifer Product Design Award / 1 Silver Award, 1 Excellent Award (Click)
  8. 2016-2017 
    Taiwan Science and Education Museum 60th Anniversary Celebration Derivatives Design Competition / 1 Bronze Award, 3 Excellent Works, 1 Network Best Popularity Award
  9. 2012-2016  Product Design Course | Guided International Competitions Course / won the Excellent work and prize many times (iF Concept design / Red Dot Design Award) (during as a teachers in industry)
  10. 2012-2013
    The girl/boy we pursue that year: creative micro-film competition / Bronze Award
  11. 2010-2016
    Outstanding Teaching Award of industry expert teacher

Off-campus Service

  1. 2020-2021  MOST Research Program for Junior College Students of the Ministry of Science and Technology / Review Committee
  2. 2020-2021
    Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University / Master's Thesis Oral Examination Committee and Convener
  3. 2020-2021
    MCUT Advance Intelligence Real-Time Factory / Expert Consultation (UXDesign) 
  4. 2020-2021
    2021 Innovative Crossover International Design Conference / Review Committee
  5. 2019-2020
    Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University / Master's Thesis Oral Examination Committee and Convener
  6. 2018-2019
    Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University / Master's Thesis Oral Examination Committee and Convener
  7. 2018-2019 
    台灣智慧機器人玩具聯盟:集體智慧-產業導向設計研發人才之合作 / 演講人
  8. 2018-2019 
    2018年台塑公司主辦級基層主管訓練活動 / 跨領域設計思考教師
  9. 2016-2017 
    銘傳大學商品設計學系105學年度大學推甄入學 / 面試老師
  10. 2015-2016 
    銘傳大學商品設計學系104學年度大學推甄入學 / 面試老師
  11. 2012-2016 
    銘傳大學商品設計學系期末總會審 / 業師評審

Journal Reviewer

  1. 2017-now
    Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SSCI), Reviewer.
  2. 2017-now
    Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI),  Reviewer.

E. Work Experience

Academic Experience

  1. 2017-2020
    Department of Industrial Design, Ming Chi University of Technology / Assistant Professor
  2. 2011-2016 
    Ming Chuan University / Industry lecturer
  3. 2011-2016 
    St. John's University of Technology / Industry lecturer
  4. 2015-2016 
    Tamkang University  / Industry lecturer
  5. 2014-2016 
    Huaxia University of Science and Technology / Industry lecturer
  6. 2014-2016 
    Southeast University of Science and Technology / Industry lecturer
  7. 2014-2016 
    Deming University of Finance and Economics / Industry lecturer
  8. 2014-2016 
    National Taiwan Normal University Design Department / Collaborative teacher
  9. 2009-2016 
    Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Projects / Research Assistant
  10. 2014-2015 
    Corning University / Industry lecturer

Industry Experience

  1. 2018-2020
    Hong-Jun Technology Company / Design Consultant (School and Industry Cooperation)
  2. 2017-2020  
    □□□□□ WinStock Life Trend Commercial Web / Consultant
  3. 2012-2017 
    □□□□□ WinStock Life Trend Commercial Web / Design Director
  4. 2010-2016 
    LYW Design Studio / Design Director
  5. 2010-2016 
    Xiangtai Tea Industry Company / Design Consultant

Commercial Design Case (Product / Media AD / Design Marketing)

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