1. God of Figure - Toy Collection Design
2. Deformer - Ruler of Multiple Forms
3. Pressing Service Mascot & CD-Type Tea Cup
4. 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition Festooned Vehicle
5. The Innovative Design: using eco-lighting in kitchen space
設計作品集範例2 工業設計與產品類排版 梁又文老師設計作品集 (內容,製作,印刷,紙材)
1. God of Figure - Toy Collection Design
財神廟文創商品-財神公仔設計2. Deformer - Ruler of Multiple Forms
變形者: 多型態工具尺3. Pressing Service Mascot & CD-Type Tea Cup
燙衣店品牌形象公仔文創商品設計; CD形式之泡茶杯4. 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition Festooned Vehicle
2010台北國際花卉博覽會: 吉祥物3D化公仔設計與花車造型設計5. The Innovative Design: using eco-lighting in kitchen space
餐廚空間之綠能安全燈具創新設計-櫻花廚藝更多 設計作品集 (Design Portfolio) 相關 (Click)
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